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13/01/24 1

Let’s not give up! Back to racing with the Adriatic Series (Triathlon)

Sprintade® is a brand created to support sport. Endurance from Triathlon to marathon; team sports from football to basketball: there would have been many events that we had promoted, from small tournaments to large events. The great unexpected event of 2020 has reshuffled the cards and put the world of sport to the test, without exception.

We have not been demoralized and we consider ourselves privileged to have found a partner, Flipper Triathlon, capable of reorganizing itself and keeping the promise made to the athletes last year, that is, replicating the splendid Adriatic Series: a circuit in four stages – from September to November – among the beautiful scenery of the Adriatic coast. Olympic Triathlon (Alba Adriatica and Porto Recanati), Sprint (Cervia) and Duathlon (Pesaro).

As always, the organizers will make video briefings available which, in addition to illustrating the route, this year, will also explain how to comply with health safety regulations to compete safely. In this regard, the new features are the staggered starts and the no-draft rule in the bike phase , with greater distancing even when overtaking as required by Fitri.

The first appointment in Alba Adriatica will be held on September 13th and we can’t wait to compete again! Don’t miss out, we will be there for you.

More information on the world of triathlon here Mondo Triathlon.

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