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21/07/21 3

Carnitine supplements: what are they for?

Let’s discover the properties of Carnitine and the importance of a good Carnitine supplement, when to take it and why

Carnitine is an amino acid naturally synthesized by our body and which we find in food products of animal origin such as meat and dairy products, and vegetables such as tempeh and avocado. Through a healthy and balanced diet we take from 60 to 180 mg of Carnitine per day, but when deficiencies occur or when our body needs it most, such as during intense training, it is good to make use of supplements that contain it.

Intense training efforts are intended to train our body to increase resistance, maintaining energy reserves for as long as possible. Carnitine, acting as a transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, can influence energy production, favoring the transformation of fats into ATP, saving glycogen reserves.

What is Carnitine

Carnitine is produced at the liver and kidney level starting from the interaction of two amino acids, Lysine and Methionine, with other substances such as Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Iron and is present in 90% of muscle cells the. There are many benefits that this substance is able to bring to the body, but the main ones, those for which it is included in food and sports supplements, are the ability to increase athletic performance (in sports) and the ability to aid weight loss (in the dietary-food field).

Supplements with Carnitine for athletes

In powder, tablets, liquid vials or chewable gums, there are many formats of Carnitine supplements for athletes, quickly assimilated and easy to transport, to integrate the right nutrients before, during or after training.

Among the advantages that Carnitine brings to athletes we find:

  • rapid energy production through the transformation of fatty acids into ATP
  • faster muscle recovery after athletic performance
  • repair of muscle tissue in case of damage
  • delay in the onset of fatigue and increase resistance thanks to increased blood flow and nitric oxide production
  • high energy levels for prolonged periods during physical exertion

Furthermore, it keeps the relationship between the two fundamental molecules in the metabolism constant AcetilCoA/CoA inside the cells, converting pyruvate (useful for the degradation of fats) andlactic acid in AcetilCoA, performing an important antioxidant action on muscle cells.

Improve athletic performance with Sprintade®

To support the metabolic cycle with high availability of ATP and Nitrates, Sprintade® products guarantee greater energy reserves even in the long term. Rapid assimilation of nutrients thanks to highly concentrated formulations and innovative, easy-to-transport formats are the two cornerstones on which the entire Sprintade® product line was born, the aim of which is to make food technologies available to all athletes that were previously only professionals.

Designed to provide immediate energy and to promote the metabolic processes that make the energy available to the muscles, Sprintade® has created ATP BOOSTER, a supplement in liquid form with a high content of Carnitine and Fructose-1,6-diphosphate. Easy to take to training or competition, it can be taken whenever you need immediate energy.

To receive the right energy when it’s not possible to carry liquid supplements or snacks with you, it was born Energy Gum Plus, a “shocking mint” flavored chewing-gum that allows you to respond to tiredness and improve resistance. A new and convenient format which, with Arginine and Coenzyme Q10, adds to the effectiveness of Red Ginseng, the tonic and stimulating effect of Guarana and the power of caffeine for an intense and immediate effect.

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